
Formal messaging system

XOmail is a secure, formal messaging system for military and governmental use. It supports strategic and tactical communication, with features for security, priority handling, and integration with other systems.

XOmail product family

XOmail provides essential messaging functions such as archiving, battle log, acknowledgement, priority, and security classification.
In addition, more specialised functions and interfaces can be delivered to meet specific military and governmental requirements.

XOmail Enterprise is a highly flexible and scalable messaging system, providing Messaging as a Service (MaaS) in modern IT infrastructures.
XOmail Enterprise can be enhanced with a Central Archive and Cross Domain interfaces such as ACP 145, ACP 127 and SMTP.

XOmail provides a modern and flexible solution to maritime messaging.

The XOmail Broadcaster provides the shore side functionality for handling Broadcast transmission. The XOmail Broadcaster supports message exchanges with both surface ships and submarines.

The XOmail Afloat provides capabilities for communicating with shore and with other ships. XOmail Afloat provides automatic and manual handling of Broadcast reception, Ship-Shore transmission, Inter-Ship messaging, and optionally rebroadcasting.

XOmail may also be used as more general-purpose Beyond Line-Of-Sight (BLOS) communication.